Laughing Jesus



Craig Usher, vocals
Sherman Loper, guitar
Neil Franklin, original drummer "Mira Loma High" era
James Telles, first bass player, during "Mira Loma High" era
Kurt Hamlin, bass
Chris Woodhouse, drums
Jim MacLean, bass after Kurt


  Chris Woodhouse says: I met these guys by responding to the crummiest looking ad on the bulletin board at the old Beat record store. We practiced at the "Bert House" (as did Sewer Trout, Sins of the Flesh, Pollution Circus, the Driven, etc...). Opened for the Cactus Liquors at the "Light Rail Inn." Whatta shit hole. Played "the Place" in Davis a couple times. Much better. A video of the original lineup playing the Mira Loma High commons exists. Find THAT, f**king Charles.




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